Wellness for your relationship
We would like to help you lead a beautiful happy relationship. Full of playfulness, fun and smiles.
With inspiration, knowledge or just unconventional gifts – LoveLane will help you and your love grow.
Our Motto: Play. Connect.Love.
What is relationship wellness?
How often have you been to a spa or massage? How often have you taken your relationship to one?
Similar to self-care or taking care of a good friend, our relationships also need conscious care taking - beyond Netflix. This includes asking deep (sometimes scary) questions like "How do you feel loved?" or really taking time to connect physically e.g. by purely focusing on the needs of the other person. Only very few couples take the time for this, which is one of the reasons why so many relationships fail.
We are here to give you inspiration for your love and relationship in a positive and fun way. With many different things. Sparking new conversations with couple questions, spicing things up with sexy couple challenges, switching up daily routines with small couple games, providing new ideas to surprise your partner such as unique gift and date ideas.
We are your go to place and constant source of inspiration for your relationship-care. We provide wellness for your relationship.
When is relationship wellness important?
🌟 Looking for inspiration
Relationship wellness is important for EVERY relationship. Especially, if you have passed the intial dating and "totally in love" phase. You may have become a bit bored and are looking for new inspiration to mix it up a little bit (e.g. with games, gift ideas for your boyfriend/girlfriend, love messages, date ideas).
💕 Trying to get closer again
Life changes (e.g. kids/ becoming parents, long distance relationships) can make you grow apart. Generally, this these cycles are natural for relationships. You may be looking for ways to create more closeness to your partner again.
🌱 Seeking growth & just having fun
Your relationship is beautiful and an essential part of your happiness. You love growing personally and doing self-care. You would like to continue growing, together with your partner.

Thanks to our partners
LoveLane emerged from a project at the University of Potsdam, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST program.